
SET Safety offers Workplace Health and Safety Courses in the USA and Canada.

SET Safety, your trusted partner in workplace safety education. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on ensuring the well-being of employees across industries, SET Safety proudly offers a comprehensive range of Workplace Health and Safety Courses in both the United States and Canada. Join us as we prioritize safety, empower professionals, and build safer workplaces together.

Defensive Driving: 3 Demerit Reduction Program (Alberta)
Pipeline Construction Safety Training (PCST)
A GEMC Transportation of Dangerous Goods Course
Access to Information and Privacy
Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Managers (US)
Accident and Breakdown Procedures (US)
Accident Investigation Awareness
Accident Procedures: Driver Training Series
Accidental Release Measures & Spill Cleanup Procedures
Active Shooter Myth vs Reality
Active Shooter/Active Threat: How to Survive